Fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was created in 2002 to dramatically increase resources to fight three of the world’s  most devastating diseases and to channel the money to areas of greatest need.
While the majority of Global Fund investments support treatment and prevention efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS, it has emerged as the predominant funder of tuberculosis and malaria programs, making up two-third of international commitments for these diseases.
As of 30 November 2009*, with Global Fund supported-programs and resources in:

Fighting HIV/AIDS

  • 2.5 million people are receiving antiretroviral treatment
  • 105 million HIV counseling and testing sessions were conducted
  • 4.5 million orphans were provided with medical services, education and community care
  • 790,000 HIV-positive pregnant women have received PMTCT treatment (Prevention from Mother to Child Transmissions)

Fighting Tuberculosis

  • 6 million additional cases of infectious tuberculosis were detected and treated
  • 48% of the 2009 estimated international targets for detection of TB cases and treatment using DOTS were contributed by Global Fund supported programs

Fighting Malaria

  • 104 million bed nets were distributed to protect families from transmission
  • 108 million malaria drug treatments were delivered
